Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke often gets criticized for overreacting to the stock market. 美联储(FederalReserve)主席本•伯南克经常因为对股市过度反应而遭受批评。
George M.Korniotis of the Federal Reserve and Alok Kumar of the University of Texas business school studied thousands of stock trades made by investors in the1990s. 美联储的科尔尼奥蒂斯和得克萨斯大学商学院的库马尔对上世纪90年代投资者的数千笔交易做了研究。
Hence, when the Federal Reserve raised interest rates in1928 to fight stock market speculation, it inadvertently forced tightening of monetary policy in many other countries as well. 所以,当29年联储局加息以对抗股市的投机行为时,很多其他国家被迫跟随,否则基于资金逐利的原理,不跟随的国家会迅速流失黄金储备。
Soothing words about US interest rates by the Federal Reserve left most Asian stock markets at or near to their levels before the steep sell-off that began at the end of last month. 随着美联储关于美国利率的措辞缓和了市场紧张情绪,亚洲多数股票市场昨日都已重回或接近上月底大跌前的水平。
As a result of the great depression in the1930s, Congress gave the fed the authority to vary reserve requirements and to regulate stock market margins. 30年代大萧条之后,国会授权这一系统规定不同的储备要求并调控股票市场的定金。
Article 40 Capital reserve includes premium on capital stock, legal increment of property value through revaluation and value of donated assets accepted, etc. 第四十条资本公积金包括股本溢价、法定财产重估增值、接受损赠的资产价值等。
S.is regulated by: the Federal Reserve Board, the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE), the National Association of Securities Dealers ( NASD), and individual firms. 美国的联邦储备局,纽约证券交易所,全美证券交易商协会和个别公司共同规定证券客户的信贷延展问题。
It is of significance to study to the difference between China and SEC in oil reserve estimation and information disclosure which directly affects the reputation and stock price of SinoPec. 美国石油储量评估和信息披露制度与中国的差异直接影响着中国石油上市公司的信誉和股票价格,分析其差异性,对现阶段中国在海外上市的石油公司具有重要的现实意义。
At times the Federal Reserve Board requires a 100-percent margin, meaning that all stock must be paid for in cash. 有时候联邦储备委员会规定100%的定金,也就是说所有股票必须用现金购买。
On Tuesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke downplayed bank takeover talk, helping the stock market bounce off12-year lows. 周二,美联储主席本·伯南克打消了政府将接管银行的传言,促使股市从12年来的低点开始反弹。
Tone deposit reserve is led on, won't have big effect to the stock market! 上调存款预备金率,对股市不会有大的影响的!
This paper uses GARCH models and event study method to study the short-term control effect of interest rates adjustment and deposit reserve rate adjustment policies to stock market. 货币政策变动会对股市造成冲击。本文利用GARCH模型,运用事件研究方法研究利率、存款准备金率调整对股票市场的短期影响。
His comments coincided with similarly bullish remarks from the Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, and sent the stock market to its highest level since late 2008. 他的言论与美联储(fed)主席本伯南克(benbernanke)同样乐观的言论不谋而合,并将美股推高至了自2008年年末以来的最高水平。
Notwithstanding official worries about deflation, Federal Reserve money supply figures reveal that the money stock has already inflated at a noticeably higher rate. 尽管官方一直忧虑通货紧缩,但是美联储的货币供应数字显示,货币存量已经在以一个引人注目的高速度膨胀。
The New York Federal Reserve has$ 16bn of preferred stock in AIA. 纽约联储(NewYorkFederalReserve)拥有价值160亿美元的友邦保险优先股。
Reserve stock of commonly used equipment and supply items; 常用装备和供应品预备储存;
Despite improving headline inflation numbers, successive interest rate cuts, a reduction in bank reserve requirements and administrative measures aimed at encouraging investors back to the stock market, investor sentiment remains depressed. 尽管整体通胀数据向好,央行既降准又连续数次降息,多项旨在鼓励投资者重回股市的行政措施出台,但投资者的积极性仍然不高。
As a result, the article has put forward to the advise to establish crude oil reserve system, attend the crude oil future stock to reduce the influence of the oil price to Chinese economy. 建议我国应采取设立原油储备、参与国际原油期货运作等对策来降低油价对我国经济的影响。
Dynamic reserve includes several changing factors, such as general scale of grain reserve, stock pattern ( combination of physical stock and cash stock), variety structure and space-time layout. 动态储备包括若干方面的动态要素,例如:储备粮总规模、库存形态(储备粮实物库存与现金库存的组合)、品种结构或时空布局等。
The standard of whether or not the international reserve scale of a state is moderate is that the optimal international reserve stock and the ability of stabilizing exchange rate when balance of payments deficit appears. 一国国际储备规模合理与否,应当以最优国际储备存量和国际收支出现逆差时稳定汇率能力为标准。
The Wermers buyers 'herd behavior correlates positively with every stock reserve, but the excess demand buyers' herd behavior correlates negatively with every stock reserve; Wermers买方羊群行为与每股公积金呈正相关,而超额需求买方羊群行为与每股公积金呈负相关;
Dynamic reserve management includes reserve amount, stock categories, stock structure and spacious distribution, which enables the market balancing function of state grain reserves to the maximum extent and realizes the full use of limited resources. 实现中央储备粮规模总量、库存形态、品种结构和布局安排的动态管理,最大限度地发挥储备粮的市场调控作用,实现有限资源的充分利用。
Our empirical results indicate that the shock in the central bank monetary policy represented by the legal deposit reserve rate and benchmark deposit can trigger the stock market impact of short-term fluctuation. 研究结果表明,以法定存款准备金率与存款基准利率为代表的中央银行货币政策的冲击能够引发股票市场短期条件波动。
Therefore, in order to guarantee the profitability of foreign exchange reserve, China has to resolve urgent problem for high stock of foreign exchange reserve by actively exploring effective method in operation, strategies and other specific matters. 因此,为了保证外汇储备收益性,积极探索有效的外汇储备运营方式、策略等具体事项,成为当前化解中国高额外汇储备难题,优化外汇储备运营的当务之急。
We use the event study approach examine the effect of rate interest policy and deposit reserve policy on the stock price in the short-run. 用事件研究方法检验我国利率和存款准备金率的调整对股票价格的短期影响。
The "internal-external integrated mode" is the most basic way for technological reserve of China locomotive& rolling stock industry, and the self-innovative ability can only be advanced by self-innovative practice of products. 中国机车车辆业技术储备的最基本路径是内外结合模式,但自主创新能力的提升最终只能来自于产品自主创新实践。
Deposit reserve rate cut will ease monetary policy and increase the money supply of stock market, resulting in the rises of stock price. 存款准备金率下调会放松银根,增加股票市场资金供给量,从而导致股票价格指数趋于上涨。
Empirical test results show that: Raising the deposit reserve rate can cause a very significant decline in stock market liquidity, increased volatility, and decline the rate of return of the stock market close to significance in the context. 实证结果表明:上调存款准备金率能非常显著的引起股市流动性的下降和波动性的增加,以及股市收益率的下降。
This paper gives several suggestions such as speeding up the interest rate liberalization, improving the reserve system, and expanding the scale of the stock market. 为此,本文提出了一些政策建议,如加快利率市场化进程,确定适当的存款准备金利率,扩大股票市场规模,提高股票市场效率等。
Chapter ⅲ describes the adjustment of deposit reserve ratio and the status of the stock market in recent years. 第三章分别介绍了目前存款准备金率调整的现状和股票市场近年来的现状。